CACH Membership

To become a CACH Member, please send an email to Bryan Davis (, and include with your request:

  1. Tell us if you are from an organization or a member of the community
  2. Your Name
  3. Preferred Contact Information (Phone Number, Email Address, Address)
  4. Organization you represent, if applicable
  5. If from an organization, will you be the primary (and voting*) representative?

*Only Members in Good Standing will have the opportunity to vote at Member Meetings and to receive CACH letters of support or endorsement.

Criteria for to be considered for a “Member in good standing”:

  • Member is from non-profit homeless assistance providers, victim service providers, faith-based organizations/agencies, government entities, businesses, advocates, public housing agencies, school districts, social service providers, mental health agencies, hospitals, outpatient clinics, universities, affordable housing developers, businesses, law enforcement, organizations that serve veterans, persons who are homeless or formerly homeless in the City of Harrisburg and County of Dauphin, and community volunteers.
  • Member’s representative(s) must attend and participate in at least four (4) standing – or general membership – committee meetings annually.
1514 Derry Street - Harrisburg, PA - 17104 - 717-737-1100

Capital Area Coalition on Homelessness © 2015
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