Action Committees

CACH’s success relies heavily upon its volunteer committees!  These working committees plan and execute meaningful opportunities to support students, families, and individuals experiencing homelessness.  We welcome you to join the conversation by getting involved in our working committees.  All are welcome! Please contact the committee chairs or co-chairs below with any questions.

Planning & Resource Development Committee
This Committee focuses on those areas as described in the bylaws, Article VI.

Public Information and Education Committee (meetings combined w/ Prevention Committee)

The Committee focuses on increasing the community’s awareness of homelessness and its devastating effect on our community. Activities include communicating information to community leaders, public officials, the provider network, and funding sources to inform them of CACH’s mission, impact, and need for financial support. Educational and advocacy efforts are conducted to encourage support for policies and legislation that promotes assistance for programs/services that help to end homelessness.

Homelessness Prevention Committee (meetings combined w/ Public Information & Education Committee)

The Committee develops short- and long-term strategies to prevent the occurrence /reoccurrence of homelessness in Dauphin County. Encourages and promotes the coordination of systems that provide homeless prevention services to identify the broad root causes of homelessness and works with community agencies and organizations to develop processes to remediate them.

Housing Committee

The Committee collaborates with public and private housing providers, developers, social service agencies, and government entities providing funding for affordable housing. The Committee will promote the development of new affordable permanent housing options and the preservation of existing housing for low income families. The Committee promotes best practices including the Housing First Model in the development of permanent affordable housing initiatives with supportive services.

Housing/Youth Subcommittee:   Tabitha Kramer ( & Lauren Hammond (, Co-Chairs

Coordinated Entry Committee

The Committee develops and implements the Coordinated Entry System (CES) for CACH. The Coordinated Entry Committee is charged with establishing written policies and procedures governing the operation of the CES that align with the Emergency Solutions Grants (ESG) and Housing and Urban Development (HUD) requirements. The Committee will provide monitoring and process measurement reports, as well as reporting on effectiveness and opportunities for CES systems improvements.

Service Delivery

The committee evaluates linkages, communications, and cooperation among the provider network, suggests improvements to the delivery system. The Committee will evaluate and coordinate the service delivery process on an ongoing basis and will formulate strategies to improve the experience for the individual being served, and strengthen the use of the HMIS system. Committee activities also includes recommending training programs for direct service providers to improve service referrals, strengthen case management practices and to maximize the coordination of services.

Faith-Based Initiatives Committee

The Committee seeks to engage and provide a forum for coordination of faith-based initiatives and non-Continuum of Care funded entities interested in helping our community reduce and end homelessness, and helping these groups discern how they can support the Coalition’s plan to end homelessness.

1514 Derry Street - Harrisburg, PA - 17104 - 717-737-1100

Capital Area Coalition on Homelessness © 2015
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