Harrisburg/Dauphin County CoC PA-501 announces approved Consolidated Application for the FY 2024 CoC Program Competition.
- Review the Approved Consolidated Application and Approved Priority Listings for Reallocation forms and all New, Renewal, and Replacement Project listings here: CoC Approved Consolidated Application and CoC Approved Priority Listing
- For Comments or Questions about the Approved Application, Email at CACHpa13@gmail.com
CACH Ranking and Review Committee has reviewed the applications for submission for the 2024 US Department of Housing and Urban Development Continuum of Care NOFA and ranked them for submission.
Final Ranking of Projects Submitted for 2024 Continuum of Care Competition:
For Harrisburg and Dauphin County CoC PA501 the following are renewal and bonus amounts:
Annual Renewal Amount | Tier 1 (90% of Renewals) | CoC Bonus | DV Bonus |
$1,963,897 | $1,767,507 | $347,788 | $434,735 |
Agencies interested in applying for funding please read the FY 2024 – FY 2025 Continuum of Care Competition and the Renewal and Replacement of Youth Homeless Demonstration Program Grants NOFO publication
- Renewal Projects Detailed Instructions (Website indicates FY 2024 updates coming soon)
- New Projects Detailed Instructions
- CoC Planning Detailed Instructions
- Renewal YHDP Detailed Instructions
- YHDP Replacement and Reallocation Detailed Instructions
- CoC Application Detailed Instructions
All agencies applying or renewing must be members in good standing of CACH.
FY 2024 and FY 2025 CoC Competition Timeline – Capital Area Coalition on Homelessness (CACH)
August 30th, 2024- CACH publishes on website, listserv and social media the NOFO, timeline, criteria for ranking, and submission procedures for projects.
September 30th, 2024- Renewals and new project applications due to CACH via ESNAPS.
October 15th, 2024- CACH notifies projects in writing if application(s) are accepted and ranked, rejected, or reduced on the CoC Priority Listing.
October 23rd, 2024- CACH posts publicly all parts of the CoC application and Priority Listing.
October 25th, 2024- Final Submission to HUD FY 2024 CoC and YHDP Competition by CACH.
August 29th, 2025- Final Submission to HUD FY 2025 CoC and YHDP funding by CACH.
Process to Apply:
CACH is the “Collaborative Applicant” or the agency that submits a Consolidated CoC application for the Continuum of Care PA501 (City of Harrisburg and the County of Dauphin, Pennsylvania). New or renewal projects are submitted as part of that singular application. All applications are submitted through HUD’s E-SNAPS system. To do so agencies must create membership on E SNAPS AND have a valid UEI number and SAMS affiliation (NOFO IV B p.67).
- RENEWALS may reapply, (NOFO III B.3.c, d) consolidate same type renewals (NOFO
I.B.3.e and III.B.4.b.(8)) or transition to a new project (NOFO III.B.2.cc)
- NEW projects (NOFO III.B.3.e) are only: reallocated from renewals, CoC bonus (NOFO I.B.2.b.(3)), DV bonus (NOFO I.B.2.b.(8)) or an expansion project ((NOFO I.B.2.b.(10)),
CACH welcomes all NEW projects to submit for this competition including from agencies that have not submitted before. Agencies applying for a NEW project and/or is a NEW applicant, please send a short email with your agency name and your TYPE of NEW projects (NOFO I.B.2.O pg.32) to Maureen Bunn at mbunn@dauphincounty.gov no later than September 15, 2024.
There are two tiers for all projects submitted:
- Tier 1 is 90 percent of the CoC annual renewal demand (ARD).
- Tier 2 is the difference between Tier 1 and the maximum amount of CoC Renewal (including DV renewal), CoC Reallocation, DV Bonus, DV Reallocation and CoC Bonus funds that a CoC applies for.
Projects in Tier 1 are evaluated on basic eligibility and agency merit and likely to be funded. Projects that fall in or straddle Tier 2 compete nationally and may/may not be funded/fully funded. All projects, new or renewal, are ranked by CACH in Tier 1 through Tier 2 following their order.
All projects are RANKED based on HUD and local priorities, agency performance or capacity, compliance to pertinent regulations, HUD specific outcomes, sustainability, and participation in the Continuum of Care (see Appendix below for Ranking tool and score criteria).
Projects are accepted, rejected, reduced or reallocated based on CACH’s Reallocation Policy (click)
CACH Ranking and Scoring Matrix used to rank projects submitted for the CoC application is based (80%) on Objective Criteria such as cost effectiveness, type of population served, type of housing proposed, housing first, capacity, CE effectiveness, and System Performance Measures (20%). The rest of the measures involve programmatic functions such as capacity, compliance, and representation of racial, ethnic, and those with lived experience.
Criteria | Max Points | % of Score | |
1 | Thresholds | Pass/Fail | |
2 | Project Type Priorities | 50 | 25% |
3 | HUD And Local Population Priorities | 35 | 18% |
4 | Agency Experience And Capacity | 5 | 3% |
5 | Current Grant Status | 10 | 5% |
6 | Unit Cost Effectiveness | 5 | 3% |
7 | Number Of Beds (Capacity) | 5 | 3% |
8 | Housing First | 10 | 5% |
9 | Vulnerability/Localized Need | 10 | 5% |
10 | Project System Performance Measure | 40 | 20% |
11 | Effective Use Of CE | 5 | 3% |
12 | HMIS Quality And Usage | 10 | 5% |
13 | Homeless Participation | 5 | 3% |
14 | Racial Disparity | 5 | 3% |
15 | Utilize Health Care | 5 | 3% |
Total Maximum Points | 200 | 100% |
- THRESHOLDS (hyperlinked below to various source documents) Yes/No
Attend 75% of CACH general membership or CACH committee/sub-committee meetings Participate in Coordinated Entry
Consistent with ALL the following plans:
HOME RUN – Blueprint to End Homelessness in the County of Dauphin and the City of Harrisburg
2023-2027 Consolidated Plan DRAFT – harrisburgpa.gov
https://www.dauphincounty.gov › … › final-consolidated-plan.pdf
Comprehensive Plan – City of Harrisburg (harrisburgpa.gov)
DCCP – Introduction (tcrpc-pa.org)
Daphin County Human Services Block Grant
- PROJECT TYPE PRIORITIES (Total possible Points 50)
- Homeless Management Information System/Coordinated Entry System – 50 pts
- Permanent Housing. This includes Permanent Supportive Housing, Rapid Rehousing, and Joint Transitional Housing and Rapid Rehousing – 47 pts
- Safe Haven (Indefinite Housing for Chronically Homeless Persons) – 45 pts
Source: Project Submission Q. 3B, 5A, B – Projected Number (Total possible points 35) (HMIS/CES gets average of points)
- Dedicated Beds for Chronic Homeless (5 pts). Source: Project Submission. 5b
- Dedicated Beds for Veterans (5 pts). Source: Project Submission. 5b
- Dedicated Beds for VAWA victims (5 pts). Source: Project Submission. 5b
- Beds for Families with Children (5 pts). Source: Project Submission. 5a
- Beds for Unaccompanied Youth under 25 (5 pts x % of beds). Source: Project Submission.5a
- Beds for Mental Health/Autism/Developmental Programs or Drug and Alcohol (5 pts x % beds). Source: Project Submission. 5b
- AGENCY EXPERIENCE AND CAPACITY (Total possible points 5) Source: Agency Application
- Board Members’ Experience (0.5 pt.)
- Executive Leadership Experience (0.5 pt.)
- Program Manager Experience (1 pt.)
- Agency Resume (1 pt.)
- Agency Financial Statement (1 pt.)
- Program Operating Successfully/Sufficient Staff (Average of Pts for New Projects) (1 pt.)
- CURRENT GRANT STATUS (Total possible points 10)
Source: Project Submission – Recipient Performance (pg. 23, 24), SAGE – Grant Spending report.
- Existing grant implemented (2 pts)
- Existing grant drawing funds on time (quarterly) (2 pt)
- Participant eligibility adhered (2 pt)
- Funds not fully drawn down in previous grant and returned to HUD (- 2 pts)
- No HUD findings in last 3 years (2 pts)
- Submitted APR on time (2 pts)
- UNIT COST EFFECTIVENESS (Total possible points 8) Highest pts to project with lowest cost per bed and other projects pts are based on% variance from that lowest cost. (HMIS/CES gets average of scores). Source: Average Beds utilization (APR Q7b)
- NUMBER OF BEDS (1 point for every 5 beds) (HMIS/CES gets average of scores) Source: Project Submission Q.4b
- HOUSING FIRST (Total Possible Points: 5) (HMIS/CES get average of scores) Source: Project Submission Q.3b
9. VULNERABILITY NEEDS/ LOCALIZED NEEDS (COORDINATED ENTRY REFERRAL NEEDS): % population x pts. (Total possible points: 10) (HMIS/CES gets average of all scores)
Source: Project Submission Q3b, 5a, or Annual Progress Reports (APR) 5.a, 26.b, 11, 13.a.1, 15
- Serving those with significant Health/Behavioral challenges (2 pts) (Source APR Q. 13.a. I)
- Serving Chronic Homeless (3 pts) (Source APR Q. 26.b)
- Serving youth under 25 (3 pts) (Source: APR Q. 11)
- Serving those coming from streets or unsheltered situations (5 pts) (Source APR Q. 15)
- RENEWALS – SYSTEM PERFORMANCE MEASURES: (Total possible points: 40)
(HMIS/CES and 1st year/ Reallocation Projects – given average of total) Source: APRS
- % of those who exited to PH or stayed put in PH program(% x 10 pts.) (Source APR 23c)
- % of participants “increased or maintained” income(% x 10 pts) (Source APR 19.a.l)*
- % of participants “increased or maintained” benefits(% x 10 pts) (Source APR 19.a.l, 20.a)*
- Bed Utilization: 75% (2 pts); 76-80% (4 pts); 81-85%; (6 pts) 86-90%; (8 pts) 91-100 (10 pts)
*Less % without the required annual assessment info updated (APR Q. I 6)
- EFFECTIVE USE OF COORDINATED ENTRY: (Total possible Points: 5)
- Was able to place a referral (1 point)
- Length of time from CES referral to acceptance decreases (2 point) stays same (1 pt)
- Length of time from CES referral to Housed decrease (2 point) or stays the same (1 pt)
*-1 pt. for every appropriate CES referral which was not accepted, up to -3 pts. maximum.
- HMIS QUALITY AND USAGE. Source – Annual Progress Reports (APR) Question 6. (HMIS/CES and new projects gets average of all scores) (Total possible points: 10)
- APR 6a – Data Quality: Personally Identifiable Information – 2 points x % without errors
- APR 6b – Data Quality: Universal Data Elements – 2 points x % without errors
- APR 6c – Data Quality: Income and Housing Data Quality – 2 points x % without errors
- APR 6d – Data Quality: Chronic Homelessness – 2 points x % without errors
- APR 6e – Data Quality: Timeliness — 2 points x % without errors
Has homeless or formerly homeless persons on agency board who is able to make decisions on program structure, function, operations, budget and personnel.
- RACIAL DISPARITY (HMIS/CES and new projects gets average of all scores) (5 pts) (1 pt if% minority=county average +1 point for every 5% over up to maximum of 5 pts)
- People of different races or ethnicities receive homeless assistance (Source: APR Q 12.a)
- % of Population nonwhite or minority (Dauphin County Minority (US Census) =28.5%)
If you have any questions, please contact Maureen Bunn at 717-780-6291 or mbunn@dauphincounty.gov
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