Winter Overnight Shelters – 12/1/20 through 3/31/21

Winter Overnight Shelter Location Flyer (posted 1/13/21)


Face Masks Required

Downtown Daily Bread – 7:15 p.m. – 6:30 a.m.

Winter Overnight Shelter for Men 234 South Street, Harrisburg, PA

Winter Overnight Shelter for men, ages 18 years and older.  There are 30 cots are available each night; cots are assigned on a first-come, first served basis.

·        Check-in begins at 7:15 p.m. and closes by 8:30 p.m., or when full capacity is reached.  Lights out at 10:00 p.m. No meals or showers are available.  Check-out time is 6:30 a.m.

·        Breakfast is served 7:00 a.m. to 8:00 a.m. each morning, on-site at the DDB Soup Kitchen (basement floor)

·        To reach shelter between 7:00 pm–10:00 pm, call 717-238-4717 ext. 126.

Gospel Fellowship Church – 1635 N. 7th St., Harrisburg
7:30 pm – 7 am

·       Check in begins at 7:30 pm and closes at 9:30 pm. Lights out at 10:00 pm, no meals or showers. Check-out time is 7 am.
·       To reach shelter between 7:30 pm – 7 am, call 717-877-4533.
·       Shelter Coordinator: Angela Parker-Quarles: 717-884-9422.

Shelter For Women Ages 18 and Over

Grace United Methodist Church – 216 State St. Harrisburg
8 pm – 7 am

·       Check in begins at 8:00 pm and closes at 9:30 pm. Lights out at
10:00 pm, no meals or showers. Check-out time is 7 am.
·       To reach shelter between 7:30 pm – 7 am, call 717-216-1181.
·       Shelter Coordinator: Alyson Long, 717-238-2851, x714.

Shelters at Gospel Fellowship and Grace United Methodist are run by CCU/HELP Ministries. 

Families with children needing shelter should call HELP Ministries at 717-238-2851 between 8:30 am – 4:30 pm Monday – Friday.
When HELP office is closed, call Crisis Intervention at (717) 232-7511 or 1-888-596-4447

1514 Derry Street - Harrisburg, PA - 17104 - 717-409-5708

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