Landlord Tenant Mediation

Need to resolve back rent issues with your landlord/tenant?

  • Sign up for a FREE Eviction Diversion Mediation Clinic. The clinics are every Tuesday at 9 AM via Zoom or phone.
  • To register or to ask questions, scan the QR code (simply point your smart phone’s camera at the code and click the link that pops up) and complete the form or go to: Mediation Request Form
  • MidPenn Legal Services and Dauphin County Bar Association offer this no-cost service to Dauphin County landlords and tenants. Mediation offers a proactive alternative to the traditional, expensive eviction process: one aimed at keeping everyone secure and whole. Mediation respects both the tenant’s and landlord’s rights and aims to reach an agreement that both parties can live with.
  • Each Clinic begins with an Info Session that describes the mediation process and social services that may be beneficial to the mediation resolution. This may include financial assistance for back-rent. Landlords can avoid court fees. Mediation can: (a) Avoid unnecessary expenditure, (b) Offer creative solutions, and (c) Lead to more positive outcomes between landlords and tenants.
  • You’ll receive follow up information via the email address you provide at registration. Services are provided free-of-charge to eligible individuals and are subject to availability of funds and volunteers.
  • BOTH LANDLORD & TENANT must register via code/link above.
  • So, talk to your landlord or tenant today! (Posted 4/7/21: Eviction Diversion Mediation Clinic Flier 2020)

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1514 Derry Street - Harrisburg, PA - 17104 - 717-737-1100

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